Wheel Of Fortune Niger

Here are the lyrics for Carl Orff's Carmina Burana.

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The wheel of fortune spins: One man is abased by its descent, The other is carried aloft; All too exalted sits the king at the top – Let him beware ruin! 16, 'Fortune plango vulnera', line 17; translation from Edward Handyside Genba Kanri (Aldershot: Gower, 1997) p. O Fortuna, velut luna statu variabilis. O how Fortune, inopportune. Cosse created a complement of unique solutions such as the 'Sunny Golden World of B&H' Radio musical hit show for British American Tobacco (BAT)in addition to the 'Star Wheel of Fortune' and 'Looking Good with Amstel Malta' both for Nigerian Breweries Plc (a Heineken international company) The Agency also contributed in making Star Lager. Wheel Of Fortune 2nd Edition 1986 Board Game (5555) Pressman Merv Griffin. $9.99 + shipping. Vintage Wheel Of Fortune Game - 2nd Edition - EUC - COMPLETE - 1985 - Pressman. Belize, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Central African Republic, Martinique, Dominica, Niger, French Guiana, Saudi Arabia. Wheel of Fortune (often known simply as Wheel) is an American television game show created by Merv Griffin that debuted in 1975. The show features a competition in which contestants solve word puzzles, similar to those used in Hangman, to win cash and prizes determined by spinning a giant carnival wheel.The current version of the series, which airs in nightly syndication, premiered on.


  • Fortuna Imperatrix Mundi (Fortune, Empress of the World)
    • 1. O Fortuna
    • 2. Fortune plango vulnera
  • I. Primo vere (In Springtime)
    • 3. Veris leta facies (No strings and only a small chorus)
    • 4. Omnia sol temperat
    • 5. Ecce gratum
  • Uf dem anger (On the Lawn)
    • 6. Tanz
    • 7. Floret silva nobilis (Small and large choruses)
    • 8. Chramer, gip die varwe mir (Small and large choruses) [German]
    • 9. Reie [German]
    • 10. Were diu werlt alle min [German]
  • II. In Taberna (In the Tavern)
    • 11. Estuans interius
    • 12. Olim lacus colueram (No violins used)
    • 13. Ego sum abbas (Only percussion and brass with chorus)
    • 14. In taberna quando sumus
  • III. Cour d'amours (The Court of Love)
    • 15. Amor volat undique (Boys chorus with soprano)
    • 16. Dies, nox et omnia
    • 17. Stetit puella
    • 18. Circa mea pectora
    • 19. Si puer cum puellula
    • 20. Veni, veni, venias (Double chorus with 2 pianos & 6 percussionists)
    • 21. In truitina
    • 22. Tempus est iocundum (2 pianos, percussion and all vocalists except tenor)
    • 23. Dulcissime
  • Blanziflor et Helena (Blanziflor and Helena)
    • 24. Ave formosissima (Three glockenspiels with independent parts)
  • Fortuna Imperatrix Mundi (Fortune, Empress of the World)
    • 25. O Fortuna (Fortune, Empress of the World)


1. O Fortuna (Chorus) (O Fortune)

velut lunalike the moon
semper crescisever waxing
vita detestabilishateful life
et tunc curatand then soothes
dissolvit ut glaciem.it melts them like ice.
et inanis,and empty,
status malus,you are malevolent,
semper dissolubilis,and always fades to nothing,
et velataand veiled
nunc per ludumnow through the game
fero tui sceleris.to your villainy.
et virtutisin health
est affectusdriven on
semper in angaria.always enslaved.
sine morawithout delay
quod per sortemsince Fate
mecum omnes plangite!everyone weep with me!

2. Fortune plango vulnera (I bemoan the wounds of Fortune)

stillantibus ocelliswith weeping eyes,
subtrahit rebellis.she perversely takes away.
fronte capillata,that she has a fine head of hair,
Occasio calvata.she is bald.
prosperitatis variocrowned with
quicquid enim floruithough I may have flourished
nunc a summo corruinow I fall from the peak
Fortune rota volvitur:The wheel of Fortune turns;
alter in altum tollitur;another is raised up;
rex sedet in verticesits the king at the summit -
nam sub axe legimusfor under the axis is written
mundo propinatur,turns to the world,
victa iam fugatur,now flees, vanquished;
Flora principatur,Flora reigns,
que cantu celebratur.praises her in song. Ah!
risum dat, hac variosmiles, now covered
Zephyrus nectareoZephyr breathes nectar-
Certatim pro bravioLet us rush to compete
dulcis Philomena,the sweet nightingale,
prata iam serena,the joyous meadows are laughing,
silve per amena,through the pleasant forests,
iam gaudia millena.already promises a thousand joys. Ah!

4. Omnia sol temperat (The sun warms everything)

purus et subtilis,pure and gentle,
faciem Aprilis,April's face,
animus herilisis urged towards love
deus puerilis.by the boy-god.
in solemni verein spring's festivity
vias prebet solitas,it shows us paths we know well,
fides est et probitasit is true and right
Ama me fideliter,Love me faithfully!
de corde totaliterwith all my heart
sum presentialiterI am with you
quisquis amat taliter,Whosoever loves this much
et optatumand longed-for
purpuratumviolet flowers
Sol serenat omnia.the sun brightens everything,
Estas redit,Summer returns,
Hyemis sevitia.the rigours of winter. Ah!
et decrescitand disappears
bruma fugit,winter flees,
illi mens est misera,who does not live
nec lascivit sub Estatis dextera.under summer's rule. Ah!
et letanturand rejoice
qui conantur,who strive
premio Cupidinis:Cupid's prize;
et letantesand rejoice


6. Tanz (Dance)

7. Floret silva nobilis (The woods are burgeoning)

floribus et foliis.with flowers and leaves.
(Small Chorus)
meus amicus?I knew? Ah!
eia, quis me amabit?Oh! Who will love me? Ah!
nah min gesellen ist mir we.I am pining for my lover.
(Small Chorus)
wa ist min geselle alse lange?why is my lover away so long? Ah!
o wi, wer sol mich minnen?Oh woe, who will love me? Ah!

8. Chramer, gip die varwe mir (Shopkeeper, give me colour)

die min wengel roete,to make my cheeks red,
an ir dank der minnenliebe noete.love me, against their will.
jungen man!young men!
Minnet, tugentliche man,Good men, love
minne tuot iu hoch gemoutLove ennobles your spirit
Seht mich anLook at me,
lat mich iu gevallen!Let me please you!
also freudenriche!so rich in joys!
durch din liebe immer sicherliche.because of the pleasures you afford.
jungen man!young men!
daz sint alles megede,are all maidens,
allen disen sumer gan!all summer long. Ah! Sla!

Chume, chum, geselle min

Wheel Of Fortune Niger
ih enbite harte din,I long for you,
chume, chum, geselle min.come, come, my love.
chum un mache mich gesuntcome and make me better,
suzer rosenvarwer muntsweet rose-red lips.

Swaz hie gat umbe

daz sint alles megede,are all maidens,
allen disen sumer gan!all summer long. Ah! Sla!

10. Were diu werlt alle min (Were all the world mine)

von deme mere unze an den Rinfrom the sea to the Rhine,
daz diu chunegin von Engellantso that the queen of England
ira vehementiwith violent anger,
loquor mee menti:I speak to my heart:
cinis elementiof the ashes of the elements,
de quo ludunt venti.played with by the winds.
viro sapientiof the wise man
sedem fundamenti,foundations on stone,
fluvio labenti,a flowing stream,
nunquam permanenti.never changes.
sine nauta navis,like a ship without a steersman,
vaga fertur avis;like a light, hovering bird;
non me tenet clavis,keys cannot imprison me,
et adiungor pravis.and join the wretches.
res videtur gravis;seems like a burden to me;
dulciorque favis;and sweeter than honeycomb;
labor est suavis,is a sweet duty,
habitat ignavis.in a lazy heart.
more iuventutisas is the way of youth,
immemor virtutis,unmindful of virtue,
magis quam salutis,more than for salvation,
curam gero cutis.so I shall look after the flesh.

12. Cignus ustus cantat (The Roast Swan)

olim pulcher extiteram,once I looked beautiful
(Male chorus)
modo nigerNow black
me rogus urit fortiter;I am burning fiercely on the pyre:
(Male Chorus)
modo nigerNow black
et volitare nequeoand cannot fly anymore,
(Male Chorus)
modo nigerNow black
et consilium meum est cum bibulis,and my assembly is one of drinkers,
et qui mane me quesierit in taberna,and whoever searches me out at the tavern in the morning,
et sic denudatus veste clamabit:and thus stripped of his clothes he will call out:
(Baritone and Male Chorus)
quid fecisti sors turpassiwhat have you done, vilest Fate?
abstulisti omnia!you have taken all away!

14. In taberna quando sumus (When we are in the tavern)

non curamus quid sit humus,we do not think how we will go to dust,
cui semper insudamus.which always makes us sweat.
ubi nummus est pincerna,where money is host,
si quid loquar, audiatur.and hear what I say.
quidam indiscrete vivunt.some behave loosely.
ex his quidam denudantursome are stripped bare,
quidam saccis induuntur.some are dressed in sacks.
sed pro Baccho mittunt sortem:but they throw the dice in the name of Bacchus.
ex hac bibunt libertini;the the libertines drink,
post hec bibunt ter pro vivis,three for the living,
quinquies pro fidelibus defunctis,five for the faithful dead,
septies pro militibus silvanis.seven for the footpads in the wood,
nonies pro monachis dispersis,nine for the dispersed monks,
undecies pro discordaniibus,eleven for the squabblers,
tredecies pro iter agentibus.thirteen for the wayfarers.
bibunt omnes sine lege.they all drink without restraint.
bibit miles, bibit clerus,the soldier drinks, the priest drinks,
bibit servis cum ancilla,the servant drinks with the maid,
bibit albus, bibit niger,the white man drinks, the black man drinks,
bibit rudis, bibit magnus.the stupid man drinks, the wise man drinks,
bibit exul et ignotus,the exile drinks, and the stranger,
bibit presul et decanus,the bishop drinks, and the deacon,
bibit anus, bibit mater,the old lady drinks, the mother drinks,
bibunt centum, bibunt mille.a hundred drink, a thousand drink.
durant, cum immoderatesuffice, if everyone
Quamvis bibant mente leta,However much they cheerfully drink
et sic erimus egentes.and thus we are destitute.
et cum iustis non scribantur.and may their names not be written in the book of the righteous.


15. Amor volat undique (Cupid flies everywhere)

captus est libidine.seized by desire.
coniunguntur merito.are rightly coupled.
caret omni gaudio;misses out on all pleasures,
sub intimohidden
michi sunt contraria;is against me,
me fay planszer,makes me weep,
plu me fay temer.and, most of all, scares me.
vos qui scitis diciteyou do not know what you are saying,
grand ey dolur,great is my grief,
per voster honur.by your honour.
me fay planszer milies,makes me weep a thousand times,
A remenderAs a cure,
per un baser.by a kiss.

17. Stetit puella (A girl stood)

rufa tunica;in a red tunic;
tunica crepuit.the tunic rustled.
Stetit puellaA girl stood
facie splenduit,her face was radiant

18. Circa mea pectora (In my heart)

(Baritone and Chorus)
multa sunt suspiriathere are many sighs
que me ledunt misere.which wound me sorely. Ah!
Manda lietmandaliet,
chumet niet.does not come.
sicut solis radii,like the rays of the sun,
lucem donat tenebris.which brightens the darkness. Ah!
Manda liet,mandaliet,
chumet niet.does not come.
quod mente proposui:what I have in mind:
reserassem vincula.the chains of her virginity. Ah!
Manda liet,mandaliet,
chumet niet.does not come.

19. Si puer cum puellula (If a boy with a girl)

moraretur in cellula,tarries in a little room,
Amore suscrescenteLove rises up,
avulso procul tedio,prudery is driven away,
membris, lacertis, labiiin their limbs, arms and lips.

20.Veni, veni, venias (Come, come, O come)

Veni, veni, venias,Come, come, O come,
hyrca, hyrce, nazaza,hycra, hycre, nazaza,
Pulchra tibi faciesBeautiful is your face,
capillorum series,your braided hair,
Rosa rubicundior,redder than the rose,
omnibus formosior,lovelier than all others,
fluctuant contrariaset against each other
Sed eligo quod video,But I choose what I see,
ad iugum tamen suave transeo.I yield to the sweet yoke.

22. Tempus es iocundum (This is the joyful time)

o virgines,O maidens,
vos iuvenes.young men!
totus floreo,I am bursting out all over!
totus ardeo, novus, novus amor est,
quo pereo.
New, new love is what I am dying of!
promissio,by my promise,
(Soprano and boys)
totus floreoI am bursting out all over!
totus ardeo, novus, novus amor est,
quo pereo.
New, new love is what I am dying of!
vir patiens,man is patient,
lasciviens.makes him lust.
totus floreo,I am bursting out all over!
totus ardeo, novus, novus amor est,
quo pereo.
New, new love is what I am dying of!
virginitas,makes me frisky,
simplicitas.holds me back.
(Soprano and Boys)
totus floreo,I am bursting out all over!
totus ardeo, novus, novus amor est,
quo pereo.
New, new love is what I am dying of!
cum gaudio,with joy,
iam pereo.I am dying!
(Baritone, Boys and Chorus)
totus floreo,I am bursting out all over!
totus ardeo, novus, novus amor est,
quo pereo.
New, new love is what I am dying of!

23. Dulcissime (Sweetest one)

totam tibi subdo me!I give myself to you totally!

Wheel Of Fortune Niger Puzzle

Blanziflor Et Helena

24. Ave formosissima (Hail, most beautiful one)

gemma pretiosa,precious jewel,
virgo gloriosa,glorious virgin,
ave mundi rosa,Hail, rose of the world,
Venus generosa!noble Venus!

Fortuna Imperatrix Mundi

25. O Fortuna (O Fortune)

velut lunalike the moon
semper crescisever waxing
vita detestabilishateful life
et tunc curatand then soothes
dissolvit ut glaciem.it melts them like ice.
et inanis,and empty,
status malus,you are malevolent,
semper dissolubilis,and always fades to nothing,
et velataand veiled
nunc per ludumnow through the game
fero tui sceleris.to your villainy.
et virtutisin health
est affectusdriven on
semper in angaria.always enslaved.
sine morawithout delay
quod per sortemsince Fate
mecum omnes plangite!everybody weep with me!

Wheel Of Fortune Blooper Niger

Note: These lyrics are copyright and are published here with the permission of Schott Music International.

© Schott Musik International, Mainz, Germany.

Entered by Charles Cave

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